tarot reading-services

Are you feeling a bit confused or unsure about where your life is heading? It’s totally normal to find yourself facing big decisions or searching for guidance on your spiritual journey. If any of this resonates with you, you might want to think about trying an online tarot card reading. Through this method of divination, you can receive valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of life and make well-informed choices.

1. What is an online tarot card reading?

An online tarot card reading service offers 2 types of services:

An in-app or website experience

This experience lets you use a website or app to get guidance or advice from tarot cards. You can choose different types of tarot decks, like Rider-Waite, Thoth, or Biddy Tarot, and spreads like Celtic Cross, Three Card, or Yes or No. Online tarot readings follow the same principles as traditional ones but are more convenient and accessible for quick answers or exploring intuition.

A virtual reading session with an online tarot reader

An online tarot card reading is conducted by a friendly and knowledgeable reader who can assist you throughout the process and offer valuable insights virtually.

Online Tarot Card Reading

2. Process of a typical online tarot card reading session

During a regular online tarot reading session conducted with an online tarot reader, the process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation: The reader will typically ask you to provide some basic information, such as your name and the specific area of your life you would like guidance on. They may also ask you to formulate a clear question or intention for the reading.
  2. Shuffling the Cards: You will be instructed to shuffle the tarot deck while focusing on your question or intention. This helps to infuse your energy into the cards and establish a connection between you, the reader, and the cards. However, since you’re having an online session, the tarot reader will shuffle the cards for you.
  3. Card Selection: Once they have finished shuffling, the reader will ask you to select a certain number of cards from the deck. The number of cards and the specific spread used will depend on the reader’s preference and the nature of your question. Some common spreads include the Celtic Cross, Three Card Spread, or Yes or No Spread.
  4. Card Interpretation: The reader will then interpret the cards you have selected based on their position in the spread and their individual meanings. They will provide insights and guidance based on the symbolism, imagery, and messages conveyed by the cards.
  5. Discussion and Clarification: Throughout the reading, the reader may ask you questions or seek clarification to better understand the context and relevance of the cards. This dialogue helps to ensure a more accurate and tailored interpretation of the cards.
  6. Insights and Recommendations: After interpreting the cards, the reader will share their insights, observations, and recommendations based on the messages conveyed by the tarot cards. They may offer guidance on how to approach the situation, potential obstacles or opportunities, and suggestions for personal growth or transformation.
  7. Wrap-Up and Conclusion: At the end of the reading, the reader will summarize the key points discussed and address any final questions or concerns you may have. They may provide additional resources or suggestions for further reflection or exploration.

Remember, each online tarot reading session may vary slightly depending on the reader’s approach and style. It is essential to find a trusted and experienced online tarot reader who resonates with you and provides a safe and supportive environment for the reading.

3. Benefits of a tarot reading service

So, what can you gain from a tarot reading service? Why an online tarot reading session may be just the right choice for you?

  1. Convenience and Accessibility: With an online tarot reading session, you can conveniently seek guidance and insights from the comfort of your own home. There’s no need to travel or schedule an in-person appointment. Online sessions also offer greater accessibility, allowing you to connect with experienced tarot readers from around the world, regardless of your location.
  2. Privacy and Comfort: Online tarot readings provide a private and comfortable environment for exploring your questions and concerns. You can engage in the reading without worrying about being physically present in a public setting or discussing personal matters face-to-face. This sense of privacy can enhance your overall experience and allow for more open and honest communication with the tarot reader.
  3. Flexible Scheduling: Online tarot reading sessions often offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling. You can choose a time that works best for you without the limitations of traditional office hours. This flexibility allows you to fit the reading into your busy schedule and ensures that you can fully focus on the session without any external distractions.

4. Common mistakes and presumptions

One common misconception people have when seeking tarot reading services is expecting a definite answer to a question. However, tarot reading is not about predicting the future but rather about gaining valuable insights and guidance.

Another assumption is that tarot reading is associated with negative or dark forces. In reality, tarot reading is a tool for self-reflection and personal growth, and it can be a positive and uplifting experience. The cards serve as a means to tap into your higher self, which is an evolved awareness of what you already know deep within.

The origin of the Tarot remains unknown, but we do have evidence that Tarot cards have been in use since the 1400s. For centuries, the Tarot has served as an oracle, and its fundamental structure is still utilized to this day.

Bonus info – what is an Oracle?

An oracle is a divination tool that provides guidance and insight into various aspects of life. Unlike tarot cards, which have a specific structure and symbolism, an oracle deck can take on many different forms and themes. Oracle cards often feature uplifting and inspirational messages, and they can be used for self-reflection, personal growth, and connecting with one’s intuition.

Bonus info – Oracle vs Tarot cards

While both oracle and tarot cards can provide valuable insights and guidance, the main difference lies in their structure and purpose. Tarot cards follow a specific system with defined meanings for each card, while oracle cards offer more flexibility and freedom in interpretation. Tarot cards dive deeper into complex symbolism and archetypes, while oracle cards provide more intuitive and open-ended messages. Ultimately, whether using oracle or tarot cards, both can be wonderful tools for gaining clarity, inspiration, and guidance on your spiritual journey.

5. A recorded session with Rubify Therapy’s tarot card reading service

At Rubify Therapy, our founder, Ruby, offers personalized and insightful tarot reading sessions online. Receive guidance and clarity from the comfort of your home. Simply send us your questions, and our experienced reader will record a personalized reading session and send it to your inbox.

What can I expect from a session?

Fill in a service request form, make payments, and ask your questions. Your reading will be professionally recorded and sent to you within a week. The reader will interpret the tarot cards based on their position and the question.

With Rubify Therapy, rest assured that you will experience a transformative and empowering journey. Our services are designed to bring you clarity, guidance, and a renewed outlook on life. Trust us to provide a positive and uplifting experience that will support you on your spiritual path.

How to request a recorded online tarot card reading

Here is a step-by-step guide to making an online appointment for a tarot reading with Rubify Therapy:

  1. Go to the Rubify Therapy website at Contact us.
  2. Scroll down to the fill-in form section.
  3. Fill out the form with your name, email address, and any specific questions or concerns you have about your life path.
  4. Submit the form.
  5. The Rubify Therapy customer support team will reach out to you to proceed with the appointment and payment process.
  6. Once payment is confirmed, you will be able to enter your questions for insights.
  7. Your reading will be professionally done, recorded, and sent to you within a week.

If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the Rubify Therapy team for assistance.

Frequently asked questions

Can the tarot reading session be done online?

Yes, absolutely! Tarot readings can be easily done online. Just follow the simple step-by-step guide provided in the article above to request an online session and much more.

Can I learn tarot reading online?

Yes, absolutely! You have the opportunity to learn tarot reading online. Luckily, there are numerous fantastic online courses, both free and paid, taught by incredible tarot readers. Additionally, you can explore various books and teaching materials that are readily available to you, whether it be online or offline.

How accurate is yes or no tarot?

When it comes to the accuracy of yes or no tarot readings, it largely depends on how you phrase your question. Seasoned tarot readers often suggest that you will achieve the best results in finding the answers and insights you seek by phrasing your question as an open-ended one. This approach allows you to interpret the meaning of the cards more intuitively. However, if you prefer a quick answer to a yes or no question, you can certainly ask it with an open mind, knowing that possibilities do exist.

It’s important to remember that tarot readings are not about predicting the future with absolute certainty. Instead, they provide guidance and insights to help you navigate your spiritual journey. The interpretation of tarot cards is a deeply personal and subjective process, and the meanings of the cards can vary depending on the reader and the context of the reading. Trust your intuition and embrace the possibilities that tarot offers in exploring your path and making informed decisions.

What does the 32 tarot card mean?

So, in a traditional tarot deck, you won’t usually find the 32nd card. Most tarot decks have 78 cards. But, if you happen to be talking about a deck with 32 cards, the meaning of that 32nd card will actually depend on how the creator of that particular deck decided to interpret it. To get a better understanding of the specific meaning and significance of the 32nd card in that context, it’s really important to refer to the guidebook or any reference materials that come along with the deck.

Check out our detailed coverage on the topic of tarot reading right here:

Are Tarot Cards Evil? A Simple Guide to Tarot Reading

Top 3 Reasons Why People Love Tarot Reading

Spiritual Guidance For Beginners: Awesome Advice Using Spirit Oracles & Tarots