“Are tarot cards evil?” is a common question raised by many sceptics or beginners of tarot reading. When phrasing this question, the answer depends on the client’s purpose when it comes to the reading.
But to put it in simple words — No, tarot cards are not evil. Tarot cards are used for divine guidance to tap into your intuition, connect with your higher self and figure out the best ways to move forward regarding your situation.
When it comes to interpreting tarot cards and using them to answer your questions, remember three crucial points:
- You navigate your life, not the cards.
- You determine your future by current energies and decisions.
- You can use the cards to help connect with your inner wisdom and divine guidance.
Your life is in your hands, not in the tarot cards
The first truth about reading tarot cards is that the cards are not supernatural forces that can change your life and destiny.
A tarot is a deck of cards used by tarot readers as a tool to convey information visually and intuitively. Reading tarot cards is a way of finding answers or advising the person asking the question. Depending on the reader, the essay will be different.
Each spreader has different beliefs about tarot cards. Some see it as a tool to connect with higher spiritual energies, while others see it as a tool to connect with intuition and more abstract imagery.
No matter how tarot is used, tarot is a deck of cards that give you the answer you’re looking for rather than a change of fortune, as many believe.

Tarot cards help you navigate the future based on highly probable predictions
The next truth about a tarot reading is that you will receive answers that will help guide your future actions and plans based on the energies and events of the present moment.
No one can be 100% sure how the future will play out. However, what if you meet a suitable tarot reader and know exactly what you want to ask? Then, the tarot spread will not disappoint you. Based on your present judgment, you will have the right future direction.
For example, if you want to know if you will meet that person in the future and what kind of person he is. Above all, rely on positive actions such as taking care of yourself and being open to receiving. Or as negative actions such as lamenting self-pity and withdrawing in the present moment. All will give you the answer. The spreader will tell you that the chances of meeting someone are high. However, what do you need to do at this point to achieve your desire?
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Cards that help you connect with your subconscious and psychic powers
The third truth about reading tarot cards is that you are one step closer to understanding yourself. The cards can reflect what you want, afraid, happy, or needy. That way, you can improve yourself.
Every day of studying and working, from morning to night, you operate every part of your body and make the most of available energy. However, do you still feel something is not enough? Maybe you are not connected enough with the abundant energy within? Maybe you are not listening enough to your body and emotions. Maybe you haven’t used all the senses you have?
The tarot card will show you the part you lack, which you feel is insufficient. Perhaps you, deep down, have all the answers. However, these answers are buried by thoughts of wandering and worrying every day. So the tarot card, when connected with your energy, your deepest subconscious, will help answer these concerns.
Besides tarot cards, oracle cards play a crucial role in giving you in-depth messages to the questions you ask in each card reading session.
Tarot cards can help you talk to a therapist, understand your life, and find ways to improve it. Tarot cards can be used for spiritual guidance, even if you don’t belong to a religion.
Are tarot cards bad?
No, tarot cards are not necessarily bad or good. Tarot cards are a deck of playing cards used to play various games, dating back to 15th-century Europe. The rules of the games played were recorded by Marziano da Tortona sometime before 1425.
The first tarot deck that we know for certain was designed specifically for occult purposes and was created in 1789. These occult decks consist of 78 cards divided into two “arcana.” These and the cards specific to them are The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana. One of the more popular tarot decks was created by Aleister Crowley and is known as the Thoth deck, drawing on Egyptian symbolism.
Each tarot card reader has their own personal method for practising this form of divination, from setting down a predetermined number of cards in a specific pattern to an “intuitive” approach, wherein they simply pull cards randomly that either your “spirit guides” or “the cosmos” tell them to read for you.
Is tarot evil?
Tarot cards are not inherently evil or good. They are simply a tool that can be used for divination purposes. Some people believe that using tarot cards can be dangerous or lead to negative outcomes because they believe that the cards can be used to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities.
However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Tarot cards can be used for self-reflection and personal growth, as well as for entertainment purposes.
Are tarot cards dangerous?
Tarot cards are not inherently dangerous. They are simply a tool that can be used for divination purposes.
Are tarot cards witchcraft?
Tarot cards are not inherently witchcraft, but they have been associated with witchcraft in popular culture due to their use in divination practices by some witches and pagans. While many witches practice divination, reading tarot alone doesn’t identify you as a witch. Creative writers use tarot for storytelling. Business people use it for brainstorming. Even psychiatrists use it for conversing with their clients.
Final thoughts
Whether you consider yourself spiritual, we are all humans with our special. We have our own life experiences. Sometimes, we are distracted by material life, forgetting somewhere spiritual needs to be taken care of. When asked the right questions, the tarot will help you awaken the beautiful and pure soul you have been disconnected from for so long.
The main use of tarot cards is for divination purposes. New Age conferences and even local town festivals frequently feature a tarot card reader who, for a modest fee, will give you insight into your love life, finances, family problems, potential spouse, or any other questions you might have to ask.
Frequently asked questions on tarot
What is the meaning of tarot cards by suits?
Wands usually represent things like creativity and passion, while swords represent things like intellect and logic. Pentacles often represent things related to work and money, while cups usually represent emotions. There are also other groupings of the suits; each suit is also aligned with a group of astrological signs. For example, wands are aligned with fire signs, swords are aligned with air signs, pentacles are aligned with earth signs, and cups are aligned with water signs.
Can you read tarot for yourself?
You can read tarot for yourself, even when you are a beginner. The tarot is a way of gaining a greater understanding of our current situation, honouring our intuition, and predicting potential outcomes.
What is the difference between tarot and oracle cards?
Tarot cards have a set structure with specific meanings for each card, while Oracle cards can have many kinds of content and any number of cards. This makes Oracle cards more versatile and personalized to the reader. The energy of an Oracle card is much greater, giving you a much deeper insight into what is happening. Tarot cards offer a more in-depth look into a person’s life and future.
What was tarot originally used for?
Tarot cards were originally created for people to use while playing games. There are some rules for a tarot-like deck that was written down by Martiano da Tortona long ago.
Do tarot cards help?
Tarot cards can help you talk to a therapist, understand your life, and find ways to improve it. Tarot cards can be used for spiritual guidance, even if you don’t belong to a religion.
How do you start reading tarot?
Step 1. Get a standard tarot deck with a guidebook.
Step 2. Read through the guidebook and practice reading a single card, a three-card spread, and other spreads to be familiar with the deck.
Step 3. Take note of your interpretations.
Step 4. Practice reading tarot cards for yourself and your friends.
Step 5. Enjoy the journey and explore different ways to expand your experience.
Bonus infographic

About Rubify Therapy
Rubify Therapy provides tarot reading, past-life regression, and hypnotherapy sessions for customers worldwide by giving online 1-1 consultations at an affordable price. See how we can help you find answers to your worries, connect to your higher wisdom and heal yourself for the healthier and happier life you deserve!