For centuries, humans have wondered about their past lives. They learn about the past through historical records, medical and scientific discoveries, artefacts, and many more. However, the main question is: What is reincarnation, and how do we know if past lives exist?
And many more have asked, “How Long Does It Take to Reincarnate?”
What does reincarnation mean?
Reincarnation is “the rebirth of a soul in another body.” However, each culture and religion has a different definition of reincarnation.
For instance, in Hinduism, “reincarnation is the religious or philosophical belief that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.”
In Buddhism, the concept of rebirth is central to its religious beliefs. Buddhists believe that when someone dies, they will be reborn again as something else. What they are reborn as depends on their actions in their previous life (karma). The cycle of rebirth is called samsara, and it is an ongoing cycle of life, death and rebirth.
Difference in Buddhist doctrine of reincarnation
It is important to note that there is no such teaching in Buddhism as “reincarnation” – a fact that surprises many people, even some Buddhists. One of the most fundamental doctrines of Buddhism is anatta or anatman — no soul or no self. There is no permanent essence of an individual self that survives death, and thus Buddhism does not believe in reincarnation in the traditional sense, such as the way it is understood in Hinduism. However, Buddhists often speak of “rebirth”.
Buddhism explains rebirth as a process where the karmic energy from one life carries over to the next. Karma refers to the idea that every action has a consequence, and these consequences can affect future lives. The goal of Buddhism is to break free from this cycle of rebirth and attain enlightenment or Nirvana.

Rebirth is a process where the karmic energy from one life carries over to the next. Karma refers to the idea that every action has a consequence, and these consequences can affect future lives.
How often are we reincarnated?
The mystery of reincarnation has been a puzzling thing for humans since the beginning of our civilization. How long does it take to reincarnate? There is no definitive answer to this question, as different traditions and beliefs may have different views on the process of rebirth. However, some common themes emerge from various sources of wisdom.
One theme is that reincarnation is not a linear or fixed process but rather a dynamic and flexible one. The soul does not have to wait for a certain amount of time before it can return to a new body. Instead, the soul can choose when and where to reincarnate based on its karma, its desires, and its lessons. Some souls may reincarnate quickly, while others may take longer to find a suitable match.
Another theme is that reincarnation is not a random or arbitrary process but rather a meaningful and purposeful one. The soul does not have to settle for anybody who is available but rather can select a body that is compatible with its goals and challenges. The soul can also influence the circumstances and events of its new life to create opportunities for growth and learning. Some souls may reincarnate with the same people or places, while others may explore new relationships and environments.
A third theme is that reincarnation is not a final or permanent process but rather a transitional and temporary one. The soul does not have to stay in the cycle of birth and death forever but rather can transcend it when it has achieved its ultimate potential. The soul can also decide to take a break from reincarnation and rest in a higher realm of existence, where it can enjoy peace and bliss. Some souls may reincarnate many times, while others may need only a few lifetimes to complete their journey.
These themes suggest that reincarnation is not a matter of time but rather a matter of choice, intention, and evolution. The soul can reincarnate as soon as it is ready, as long as it is willing, and as often as it is necessary. The soul can also change its mind, adjust its plan, and revise its path. The soul can take as long as it needs to reincarnate, but it can also shorten or lengthen its stay in any given life.
Reincarnation is not a black-and-white matter
Therefore, the question of how long it takes to reincarnate is not a simple or straightforward one. It depends on many factors, such as the soul’s level of consciousness, the soul’s karmic balance, the soul’s spiritual aspirations, and the soul’s free will. It also depends on the perspective from which we view reincarnation: from the physical plane or from the spiritual plane. From the physical plane, reincarnation may seem like a long and tedious process, but from the spiritual plane, reincarnation may seem like a short and exciting adventure.
Interesting statistics about reincarnation studies
Surveys over the past decade show that one-quarter to one-third of Christians in the US and Europe express belief in reincarnation. Dr. Brian Weiss’ books have sold millions of copies. Hundreds of medical professionals have written about past lives. Many people have personal experiences or beliefs from a past life that they don’t make public.
Past-life regression therapy and the meaning of Reincarnation
Clients and therapists
Past life regression is therapy, so therapists initiate it with their clients. Thousands of case studies show high consistency among customers with various issues and beliefs. Some clients come to therapy with personal or cultural beliefs from the past; others will not believe in the individual or the culture.
Is belief mandatory?
Is past-life belief or karma required to give or receive past-life regression therapy?
The answer is no! Past life regression therapists do not need to set beliefs for their clients but must be consistent with themselves and the concepts of past life regression.
Customers’ trust
The client opens up and establishes a relationship with the regression process in the preparation phase. The trust and understanding of both parties (therapist and client) grow with the therapeutic experience.
Most clients and therapists who will go to past life regression already have a relationship with past life regression. Some customers benefit by increasing this relationship by looking at history. This can provide social proof to help them feel it is an “acceptable” treatment. During the pre-treatment interview, the therapist must briefly discuss the past history to determine the client’s beliefs.
About Rubify Therapy
Rubify Therapy provides tarot reading, past-life regression, and hypnotherapy sessions for customers worldwide by giving online 1-1 consultations at an affordable price. See how we can help you find answers to your worries, connect to your higher wisdom and heal yourself for the healthier and happier life you deserve!