6 Relationship Lessons For Healing With Confidence and Love

6 relationship lessons for healing

Love is powerful enough to bring utter happiness or immense pain. But it’s not love that causes pain; we, as individuals, when we lack genuine love for ourselves and others cause unnecessary pain. But there is always a healing opportunity for those who got broken by a person in the name of love.

I present not only 1 but 6 different applicable relationship lessons for you to heal wholely.

Recovering from a breakup, a broken relationship, romantic abuse, or a failed expectation of a happy-ever-after ending is hard. But it’s not impossible. I find that everything is possible through the lens of love and belief in the higher wisdom, your higher self and the universe. Healing from a broken heart is possible, too.

Through errors and accumulating wisdom of the Source (or the Universe) and experienced thought leaders in the healing field, I suggest trying the following six actionable items to heal yourself with confidence and love.

Relationship lessons 1 – Learn to be patient

I learned to be patient with myself.

Patience is not an easy thing with me. I have never been patient. The lack of patience cost me so many painful and regretful lessons.

But then, even so, I am thankful that I learned the lesson of patience. I learned how being patient can help me greatly in dealing with people. Patience allows me time and space to keep my emotions and thoughts in check, preventing me from acting out in the heat of the moment. Usually, after allowing myself time to calm down, I could see things more clearly, hence coming up with a better decision.

This better decision brings in transformational changes, either to seek healing help, letting go of a toxic partner or treating myself with love.

Have patience with all things but first of all with yourself.

Francis de Sales

Relationship lessons 2 – Learn to forgive

I learned how to be more forgiving. During our relationship, both of us made quite several mistakes. However, whether what he did was wrong depended on each person’s values and perspective of the situation. In my view and values, what he did was wrong.

Still, I came to learn to be more forgiving. I forgave him for myself cause I did not want to trouble myself with negative thoughts, feelings and vengeance. I forgave him so both of us could move forward. I forgave him for him to know that despite what he did, he could still be ignored, so he knew how strong love could be. I forgave him so he knew that he could change if he wished to.

Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love.

Fred Rogers
shift in self healing happens when you learn to forgive

Relationship lessons 3 – Learn to love unconditionally

I learned how to love a person unconditionally and despite their faults. This is not the same as loving someone unquestioningly.

Loving someone unconditionally means appreciating them as human beings who are learning their life lessons on the school of Earth in this lifetime.

Hence, they make mistakes just as much as I do or others. Lovingly understand their pains and needs for growth and let them go to finish their growth journey.

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only with what you are expecting to give – which is everything.

Katharine Hepburn

Relationship lessons 4 – Learn to let go

Letting go may sound painful and even cruel. However, it’s not like that. It’s how we see the idea from our perspective.

For me, letting go is to set the person and you free from painful attachment and incompatible relationship. Why not let you and the other find a better match for you and yourself? Wouldn’t this be beneficial for both?

Letting go is not the end. It’s the new beginning. A new chapter. A rebirth of a person, a relationship and new life growth.

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

Steve Maraboli

Relationship lessons 5 – Learn to love & respect myself

I learned that being in a relationship with a toxic individual can lead to a decrease in self-love and self-respect, as we tend to prioritise the needs and desires of the other person above our own.

Especially in many cases of being in a relationship with a toxic individual, we tend to feel everything wrong happened is our fault. Hence, we think we don’t deserve to be happy.

Isn’t it contradicting the idea of being in a relationship where two people support each other in love, growth, and transformation instead of pain, suffering and self-loathing?

Self-respect, self-worth and self-love, all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for your value.

Rob Liano
help for your healing always comes, you just need to let the healing happens by manifesting help from your inner wisdom and higher self

Relationship lessons 6 – Learn to accept the truth

Sometimes, it’s hard to accept the truth of a person, who they are, not the version we make up in our mind and heart to justify their destructive behaviours and our inability to end the relationship.

Sometimes, it’s hard to accept the end of a relationship and that it’s time to move on without the other person.

Sometimes, it’s hard to see the relationship’s failure as a life lesson, where we move on to the next one after completing this one.

Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer.

Shunryu Suzuki

Final thought

Which lesson out of the 6 relationship lessons would you like to try first? Remember, you don’t have to be perfect at each lesson, as learning to heal is also an important life lesson. The lesson reminds you of how strong, powerful and resilient you are. How much you are loved as a child of the Universe!

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